
Why do birds migrate? | Information about migratory birds

 Reasons for bird migration

Birds migration means the movement of birds from places with low food resources to places with increased food resources, in search of food or settlement and to feel warm and safe. Birds of the northern hemisphere tend to migrate north in the spring to take advantage of increased plant numbers The abundance of nesting sites in that area.

Birds migrate in search of food

The main reason for the migration of birds is due to the scarcity of food. If birds do not migrate from tropical places, they will suffer from a lack of food, which will affect the process of their reproduction. For example, small songbirds migrate in the spring from the coastal areas of Mexico and land on the coasts of the Gulf countries.

Birds migrate in search of warmth

Climatic changes affect the migration of birds, so birds leave their breeding areas in very cold and very hot areas, as they need a habitat with more moderate temperatures due to their inability to withstand inappropriate temperatures, for example the lard migrate, which is characterized by its green head and colored body. Chestnut and white from Alaska, Canada, and northern regions of the United States to southern regions in cold seasons.

Birds migrate to preserve their species

Places with abundant food sources are attractive to predators, which puts the nests of birds in which the eggs of their young are at risk. Therefore, birds migrate to give their young a chance to grow in safety, so they go to places with coastal slopes or offshore islands, as it is difficult for predators to reach there.

Birds also migrate due to the spread of diseases in some of their environments, which causes the elimination of thousands of birds in a short period of time, making these migratory birds safe from transmitting infection to their offspring.

The reason for the migration of birds in the fall and winter

Birds migrate from their breeding places to their migration areas in the fall and winter, for example; Ducks, geese and other waterfowl migrate in the winter as a result of freezing seas and oceans, in search of food and warmth and to keep their young. The reasons for bird migration in winter are similar to autumn, and these reasons include:

  1. Lack of food, 
  2. changing temperatures,
  3. searching for a place to set up nests, as trees lose their leaves in the fall.

The reason for the migration of birds in the form of the letter v

Scientists believe that the migration of birds in the form of the letter v has several reasons, such as:

  • Conserve their energy Each bird flies slightly above the bird in front of it, which reduces wind resistance.
  • Flying for a long time This method allows the birds to alternate with each other to fly in the front, even if the bird gets tired, goes back and another bird takes its place.
  • Group Communication This pattern facilitates communication between group members, as well as keeping track of each other.

The most beautiful migratory birds in the world

  • Siberian Crane

Siberian Crane

This bird is distinguished by its white color, and it migrates during the winter to India. It is a carnivorous bird that lives in Siberia and the northern parts of Russia, where it breeds there, and is considered an endangered species.

  • Asiatic Sparrow-Hawk

Asiatic Sparrow-Hawk

A small bird, of the family of birds of prey, but it is smaller in size compared to larger birds such as eagles, and migrates in winter to India and Myanmar and spends from 4 to 6 months there.

  • Dalmatian Pelican

Dalmatian Pelican

The Dalmatian pelican is distinguished by its silver-white color, and the red color that covers the bottom of its long pointed beak. In winter, the color of the bottom of its neck changes to yellow, and its silver color turns to gray. This pelican is found in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

  • Amur Falcons

Amur Falcons

They are small predatory hawks that breed in Siberia and migrate to South Africa in large groups across northeastern India and over the Arabian Gulf, and it is worth noting that they have become endangered; Because thousands of them were killed.

  • Oriental White Stork

Oriental White Stork

The eastern white stork feeds on frogs, insects, and small birds, in addition to its white color and black wings. It is also found in China, Japan, Russia, and Korea, and is said to be endangered.

Preferred bird migration times of the day

Bird migration times vary during the day according to their species; Some birds migrate at night and others during the day, and among the types of birds that prefer to migrate during the day: birds of prey, birds that hunt insects, water birds and sensitive people.

 This is because of the dependence of these birds on warm air currents rising from the ground to raise them and help them to fly, and to provide self-energy, and unlike those types, most songbirds prefer to migrate during the night, and take advantage of the day to rest and search for food in unfamiliar places, and it is believed that the stillness of the air And the low temperature at night creates ideal conditions for its flight.

The dangers of bird migration

During their migratory journey, birds are exposed to many risks, some of which can be mentioned as follows:

  • Physical stress while flying.
  • Lack of food supply.
  • Bad weather.
  • Predation risk.
  • Collision with buildings and towers.