
The difference between gold and diamonds | How to know pure gold and pure diamonds

 Gold and diamonds are both very valuable. However, they are also quite different in many ways. While gold is a precious metal, diamonds are gemstones. Gold can be used for many purposes while diamonds are primarily used for jewelry. When you want to buy precious metals or gemstones, it’s important to understand the differences between gold and diamonds so that you can make an informed decision about which one is right for your needs.

pure gold

Also known as (pure gold), it is gold that is extracted directly from its source, and is purified from any metals, or other elements that may be present within its components, and gold is generally known as a type of precious metal, and is scientifically symbolized by the symbol (Au).

People have known it since ancient times, and it is considered one of the minerals that are not affected by weather changes or weather factors, and it does not dissolve when exposed to concentrated acids, but it dissolves in acids mixed together, and most minerals do not affect it, except for mercury.

How to know pure gold and pure diamonds

The importance of pure gold

Gold is of great importance to people due to its high value, its color, and its uses. It was used in the past as a means of trade exchange, for payment, purchase, and when discovering ways to melt it, and reshape it, coins were made of it, and it was also used for decoration and the manufacture of various jewelry, with the addition of a group It has other minerals, such as: diamonds, and silver.

Gold is one of the easiest financial trading tools, as it can be bought from one place, and sold in another, and is used in economic analysis to measure gold reserves compared to currencies, so it is one of the means that contribute to maintaining the local economy of all countries, especially if they lose the value of its currency.

pure gold types

Gold has a group of traded types, known worldwide, including:

  1. Ordinary gold: It is the most prevalent type, widely used among people, and is used in the manufacture of jewelry of all kinds.
  2. Yellow gold: It is of lower quality and more expensive than the previous type of gold.
  3. Gold bullion: They are metal pieces of pure gold, and they are usually made in the form of rectangles, of different sizes.

pure gold trade

It is one of the types of trade known in the past, and the people who deal with it are called gold traders. This commercial sector is witnessing continuous development in all local and international markets due to the almost constant high value of gold. In order for the merchant to succeed in trading gold, he must adhere to the following instructions:

  • Availability of sufficient capital, in excess of the merchant's needs.
  • Full knowledge of gold, and its types.
  • Take care to monitor the financial markets on a permanent basis.
  • Study the financial market of the country in which the trader will start his work.
  • Determine the types of gold that will be the beginning of the trader's trade.
  • Measure the degree of competition with other gold dealers.

pure gold measurement

24 karat: It is pure and pure gold completely, and no other types of metals are included in its workmanship, but 0.01% of copper is added to it so that it does not break or change its shape.
22 karat: is gold whose purity is less than the previous type, and it contains about 91% gold.
21 karat: It is the type of gold that other metals are mixed with, especially copper, a little silver, and palladium, and it contains 87.5% of gold.
18 karat: It is the type of gold that is mixed with more proportions of silver and copper, and it contains approximately 75% gold.

Types and grades of diamonds

(Diamond), is a type of gemstone, and its original name goes back to the word Adamas, which is a Greek word, meaning hard and strong stone. Light through it, and there are many types of it, which are distinguished by their beautiful colors, such as: blue, green, and yellow, and it is weighted according to the carat scale, and it is one of the minerals that are difficult to obtain easily, so it is fair as a rare mineral, for this reason the price of a diamond The one is quite high, compared to the other gemstones.

diamond properties

  1. Most types of diamonds are found deep in the earth.
  2. It can be obtained from sediments collected in river waters.
  3. It can be found with other metals, such as: gold.
  4. It is considered one of the strong stones, which does not break.
  5. It is classified as a stone that does not conduct electric current, but produces an electric charge.

diamond types

Diamonds have a variety of types, including:

  • Jubilee Diamond This diamond was discovered in 1895 AD, and after polishing it weighs 245 carats, it was used by Queen Victoria of England in 1897 AD, and in 1930 AD it was sold to a jewelry exhibition in London, and its color is classified among the dark colors.
  • A South African diamond was discovered in South Africa at the beginning of diamond excavations, and an English merchant bought it and sold it to a jewelry exhibition in South Africa. It weighs 47.75 carats, after polishing, and was bought by a woman from the chandeliers, for $125,000.
  • The Florentine diamond, also called the Austrian yellow diamond, is one of the most beautiful diamonds in the world. It was discovered in India. It weighs 137 carats, after polishing, and is distinguished by its color that mixes yellow and green. It was bought by a wealthy family in Florence, Italy, and then got it. The King of Austria, still present in his palace.
  • Shah’s diamond This diamond is today in the Kremlin Palace in Russia.
  • The Cullinan diamond, also called the Star of Africa, is the largest type of diamond discovered in the world, and was discovered in South Africa, in 1905 AD, and its weight was very large compared to other types of diamonds, and it was presented as a gift to the King of England, Edward VII, and this diamond was divided into Several pieces, weighing 2,530 carats, after polishing.
  • The Regent's Diamond was discovered in India, in 1701, and it belonged to the ruler of Madras, William Pett, and weighs 140 carats after polishing, and then William sold it in 1717 to France, but it was stolen, and France was able to retrieve it again.

Diamond Classifications

Diamonds are classified into groups of color grades, and determine the degree of the diamond, the extent of its purity, and the appropriate method of polishing it, in order to maintain its quality. Grades (J - I): It is a semi-colourless diamond, meaning it has a faint color. Grades (H-G): It is a semi-colourless diamond, meaning its color is difficult to detect. Grades (E-F): It is a colorless diamond, but it is possible to detect a very small part of its color. Grade (D): This is a colorless diamond.